I rated this in the judging process...
Yesterday I think. And its featured? Nice work!!!!
BTW, this is awesome, I loved it.
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I rated this in the judging process...
Yesterday I think. And its featured? Nice work!!!!
BTW, this is awesome, I loved it.
I gotta say this is great :D
One feature that I'd like to see tho you being able to upload your castle subs to the game and have a mode that choses a subbed castle from random :D
Would be endless fun then :P
Nice game :P
I'll start by saying that this is my most played game on newgrounds, so congrats :P
Its an awesome game me thinks and its worth a play. However there are a few problems:
The biggest problem is the speed of the game. It is very slow, needlessly.
One thing I have noticed is that this is influenced by the lord of the rings :P and yet, in the films, do you ever see them walking towards the opposition in battle, or in any other game or film with this kind of battle?
No, they run. I think that would be a good thing to do, it would also increase the urgency factor to think on your feet.
Another thing that I dislike is the amount of units that the computer dishes out.
Its unfair I think to a degree, altho you do have the arrow on your tower which can serve as a HUGE advantage later on.
I think speeding up the game and not have such a spasm of units attack you be a better option.
The boss battles take way too long, the bosses don't need such a large amount of health.
Also, the final boss, it was a bad idea to give him a weakness like you did.
Not attacking flying units?
It would have been better if you had the castle take damage with attacking the ground units, and have him attack the flying units another way, without harming the castle.
Finally, the arrows are too powerful. I think it was a bad idea to make them so strong, as all you have to do is increase your mana to 9999 while upgrading your arrows which is too easy to do without your castle taking ANY damage at all.
The hobbits speed... thats more like it. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw the hobbits moving faster than I could shot them down, and I had to think on my feet.
I also think that the wait between spawning units was a little unfair. I found that I was unable to plan my attacks properly because of it, when the computer was so organized with formations of attack. I don't see why it is needed, since mana limits you anyway. You could pause, and formulate an attack plan if needed against the stronger titans later on if you removed the spawn time.
Pros in the game included the different types of class, and each had its own strengths and weaknesses :P
Also there were many different upgrades, altho I don't think buying them was necessary if you had to upgrade them anyway, the mana was at a set limit, you weren't going to max them all out on the first level for example :P
The different types of characters was cool as well, and the titans were awesome - was the devil inspired by the balrog at all.... :P
Anyway, nicely done man great game, a sequel possible at all?
Not bad
I liked the idea of the game, more than your origanal idea anyway. I thought that it was too short though, and a little simple. I also didn't like the music. I would recommend a time limit, that would have put gamers on edge and therefore made the game better. Going to play the sequel now ;)
lol this is cool
love it lol, made me laugh :D
LOL because it's supposed to be like on piano stuff and it's in 8-bit? XD
Still awesome
Not sure if i've commented on this at OC Remix or not but since i've found it here...
Great to see this in the best tracks ever list here... I still think this is one of the best remixes on OC Remix and one of the best remixes in general...
Classic Stuff man :P
Too short, but good
I think the song isn't long enough for the game its in, and therefore gets boring to listen to, but for what it is, its a very well done piece of music.
Nice work
(remove the spaces in the url's) youtube.com/user/Wil lRock07 last.fm/music/WillRo ck myspace.com/willrock 078 twitter.com/Willrock 07 www.ocremix.org/arti st/5043/willrock
Joined on 8/2/08